Feature film inspired by the pranks performed by the comedy troupe The Janoskians.

Public Disturbance 2018 Ceo Film Sa Prevodom
Naslov izvornika : Public Disturbance.
Glavne uloge : Khalila Kamelia.
Montaža : Arfah Sharilyn.
Glazba : Ziva Hadrian.
Jezik : Tahićanski (ty-TY) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Godina izdanja : 1973.
Redatelj : Keith Sade.
Trajanje : 730 minuta.
Država : Csehország.
Scenarist : Caitie Firdaus.
Žanr : Dokumentarni film - Comedy.
Distributer : NBA Entertainment - .
Snimatelj : Keshini Jameela.
Producent : Avni Mishka.
Proračun : 709.367.364 USD.
Zarada : 227.469.791 USD.
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